Student as Scribe WAP #2

 Scribe = help = learn

It finally has arrived! 

After 13 years (for some more) of early morning and late nights,  mom yelling "get up", alarm clocks, endless assignments and projects, melt downs and pick me ups, best friends and ex-friends, undesirable cafeteria lunches, and times of confusion; the year has arrived - senior year.  You are about to graduate high school.  The doors are wide open, is so close that you can taste it in the air.  But before you enter those doors, lets' rewind a bit.

What if some how there would have been a "system" to better help you navigated at least your high school years. What if some how something would have been implemented to help you while you were helping others.  

Welcome to students as scribers.

High school years can be very tricky and full of uncertainties. Creating a student scribe system might help students work together and better notes takers.  It is very difficult (as a teacher) to keep track of who's engage and working and who's not.  Implementing a student scribe program allows for everyone to be engage and take notes to share at once.  Rather than the traditional scribing methods where one student took notes any given day to share; I propose that all students take notes on what has stuck them and important through out the lesson. these notes can then be share in a group forum like "Jamboard" from google.

I have assigned about ten students to be scribers per day. During their particular scribing "session" they are instructed to scribe the most important, relevant points in the unit to share with others.  I ask students to think of ways that their note are useful for others; "how can my notes help others better understand the topic at hand?"

Once they have concluded their note "taking" period, they are instructed work together in creating a "Jamboard" that would bring/highlight all their main points. Jamboard is a digital "white board that allows students to create/collaborate in real time. Students can add and save their notes or sketches/pictures and continue to add as needed. In creating their Jamboards the group gets the choose the formate or way they want their Jamboard to look like.  They might choose to create a graffiti wall or wonder walls to illustrate and highlight their notes. 
