Final Presentation

 I have learned and grown immensely in the area of technology during these past months. When I registered for the class, I was a bit apprehensive & nervous. During the first class I was baffled and envisioned my dismay.

Now I am better able to research and incorporate technology in my class. I'm no longer afraid to try, fail, learn, use, and continue learning with my students. 

Please enjoy this final presentation I have created of everything I've learned.

Final Presentation


  1. Rosa your video is private..this is Michele my email is if you fix it..lmk..Wonderful meeting you!

  2. Hi Rosa, I think you need to adjust your privacy settings so we can see your video

  3. Rosa, it was nice being in class with you. I've checked back a few times tonight hoping to see your video. The videos take a lot of work so I wanted to make sure I viewed them all. If it is easier, you can email me the video at


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