WAP #7 Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology!

This weeks assignment has me thinking like a mom more than a teacher.  

As a mom it's my hope that my children's teachers are accommodating to my kid's learning needs as challenges arise.  Keeping this in mind, I place myself in the "shoe" of the parent that has a child in my class.  When I learn that a student with a leaning challenge is assigned to one of classes, I immediately think and analyze the best way to help this student succeed in my class. My thoughts immediately take me to technology. Technology can be a powerful tool for anyone; it's particularly useful in assisting students with special needs or any sort of learning challenges.  

There are many helpful sites and tools to aid the accommodation process. In this blog I am going to share a few of my favorites.

Google has some great tools. 

Read & Write for google Chrome

This is an extension attachment that allows my students to use word prediction, dictionary, picture dictionary, text to speech, screenshoot reader, speech maker, voice notes, screen maker, highlight, and even translate. This works great for students at my school since they are all equipped their personal chrome books. Is user friendly and works with Google Slide, Google Docs, PDF's attachments, and webpages. 

You might want to check with you school tech department since the extension has a fee.  Educators can get up to a year free, but in most cases the schools cover the extension as is the case with my school.


This is also a Chrome Extension that allows students to override all fonts on a website making reading more accessible for students with dyslexia. The brain of a student with dyslexia tries to "trick" you in the way you see letters; making them look funny. This extension helps aid in preventing this. It gives the letters in the text a "heavier" presence to aid the eye of the reader. It helps the reader recognize the letter and at time might even help your brain recognize that the letters are not upside down. 

Move it!


This is another extension that reminds the student to do just that - MOVE IT! Once the extension is added, it can be customized it randomly presents the student with a brain break that includes a small exercise. Once complete the student continues working and another break will appear after the pre designed time has elapsed. 
